In The Year 2016

In The Year 2016

The curtain is finally closing on 2016. Can you believe it? Personally I would say that based on analysis I have had a good year. The year started off for me with the SIP team really pushing the theme: Great Expectations. What I started to gain was that we cannot only expect but we must make preparations that align with what we are expecting. When we expect guests in our home we do everything we can to prepare our home for those who are to come, the same principle applies here- make preparations for the thing that you are expecting to enter your life.

Lesson 1: What Comfort Zone?

This became my mantra at the end of the year. I had asked God at some point during the year to help me access and use what He has placed in me. I am actually a shy person, which most people who know me don’t believe but that is because they know me. Anyway in order for the things I prayed for to come to pass, I had to let go of many of my reservations. I felt the push to start a blog, and so I did- despite the nervouseness. During the process I realized that I had set up my blog account 6 years ago. I say this to help bring understanding- sometimes God plants the seed, we forget its there and it takes time for Him to water, nourish and groom that seed until it produces fruit. What you see manifested in 2016 on this blog is something that God has been working on for longer than the 6 years that this account was created. The account creation was just a glimpse into what was to come. I have been writing (stories, poetry) for a very long time, and I publicly recited my first spoken word piece in Nov. 2016. This has really been the year when, the comfort zones have truly been tumbling in rapid succession. The more I write is the more they go. Don’t be afraid to let the comfort zones go, and step over those “boundaries”, you can only gain from there.

Lesson 2: Are they really troubles, trials and hard times?

I have really learned to view my circumstances from a different standpoint this year. Don’t get me wrong these circumstances and situations can be quite tough, and emotionally challenging. What I am learning though is to look for the lesson in every circumstance. I am learning to apply everything that I have ever studied, whether it be scriptures or quotes. I have stopped seeing the struggle as something that has come to destroy me or set me back, but to build me up, by exposing those areas that need some pruning and shearing.

Lesson 3: Be Yourself!

I did my first spoken word piece in 2016, and I surprised even myself. Really developing this art form has opened an unexpected can of worms- insecurity. I have been enjoying the art of poetry/ spoken word for a great portion of my life, but the moment I did my piece publicly I started to question whether my writing style/ my performance ability were good enough. I just had to accept me in my writing, I had to accept that writing wasn’t specific, and though it was universal everyone had various ways and preferences in how they expressed themselves. I had to and still have to be willing to BE MYSELF. I encourage you to do the same, don’t be afraid or intimidated by others who may be producing a mark similar to your own. Know that no one else can do what you do!

Lesson 4: Did you see the roses?

Sometimes we get so caught up in doing life, and we get so focused on completing the task and finishing the course that we forget to stop and smell the roses. We forget to take in the beauty of the places we have journeyed through. We forget to stop complaining about how hot the desert is or how quickly we need to get out of the desert that we forget that even the desert has claim to its own beauty. If you tend to forget to enjoy the beauty life has to offer, be intentional about it in the coming year. Life is more than a checklist or a series of tasks that need to be completed- Enjoy it!

Lesson 5: Squad Goals

This term has been quite over used in 2016 but the fact is that who you surround yourself with can make or break you. I often say that if you want to be a giant then you have to hang with giants. The people you have in your “squad” need to be willing to make the most of life. They cannot be people who have the “lounge and chill” habit. They need to be intentional about making their moves, and they have to be people who push and challenge you to be your absolute best. The bible says “faithful are the wounds of a friend; but the kisses of an enemy are deceitful” (Prov. 27:6). If the people you want to surround yourself with are those who aren’t willing to wound you, cut your pride and ego, then you gotta get new people. The bible also says that iron sharpens iron, its the friction between both pieces of metal that causes them both to become sharper. It will cause growth. In 2017 I hope that I will continue to intentionally develop and foster good relationships. I hope that you will do the same.

To all my readers thank you! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! Your support means so much to me. This blog wouldn’t be fulfilling it’s purpose if at least one person wasn’t taking the time to read it. So thank you for faithfully reading. I hope you have a wonderful and blessed 2017. I look forward to seeing what the journey in 2017 will be like. See you in 2017!!!!!! God bless you! ♥♥♥♥

-Ashley Keene #followerofChrist