Walking with Jesus in the Desert

Walking with Jesus in the Desert

If you have read any of my other blog posts then you have probably figured it out. Yes! I love reflection, introspection and meditation. These are not things I do all the time, however there are specific points in the year when I am intentional about utilizing my time to reflect, introspect or meditate. The close of a year is usually spent recapping the events of the year and prayerfully mapping out my expectation of the things to come. With the year 2016 coming to a close, I am reflecting on the great things that have happened this year as well as the “not so great” things- you know those pesky troubles, trials and tribulations.

The Altar I Built To My Mistakes

The Altar I Built To My Mistakes


It was not too long ago when I was in a really dark place mentally. If you saw me on the street you would have never known. It’s easy for me to put up a wall and make it seem as though all is well. Now that I think about it, maybe that’s why the short story series “Unmask” (coming soon to my blog) wasn’t so hard to conjure up. I was in a place where it felt like every decision I ever made was a mistake. Things weren’t working out the way I wanted it to and it was just mentally challenging.

The Mistake of Loving Too Much

The Mistake of Loving Too Much

Heart made from words in vector format.

I can’t deal with this anymore; honestly I think I am too nice. I love too much. I can’t take people. They just come to hurt and abuse you. I am so sick and tired of them. I am going to harden my heart and start treating people the way they treat me. You open yourself up to people and then you find out all they do is lie, gossip, and spread rumors about you. After all the lying and deception, they expect you to forgive them as if you were the problem.