I Can’t Afford to Fear Judas

I Can’t Afford to Fear Judas


I will be honest, I didn’t want to do this blog post. It started out as a status which got deleted. Every time the thought crossed my mind, I felt the nudge to do the post, so I obeyed. It seems to be the season for having numerous posts in regards to friends who betray and are wolves in sheep clothing. Now I happened upon this post recently which encourages you to close your mouth if something good is happening in your life. If you have no idea what post I am referring to, here it is:

The Trade for Trust

The Trade for Trust


They say that trust once broken is hard to repair. And repairing trust is like putting a broken mirror back together, the evidence of being broken will definitely be seen.

Over the past year or so of being a part of the Sister’s in Praise Team, I have been reminded that we should view ourselves as stores. Ensuring that the things people receive from us are wholesome and full of substance. Our shelves should not be stock piled with junk. It is always a good reminder to be mindful of what we are serving others.

When Your Friends Can Go No Further

When Your Friends Can Go No Further


Whenever I have been in group discussions, at a forum, listening to a sermon, on social media or reading, something will most likely come up about friendships. Most times from my perspective it isn’t usually the good things about friendships that are explored in these conversations. It seems to be the trend to talk about haters (jealous friends), wolves in sheep clothing, friends you have to leave/shake off, friends that are waiting to see you fail and the ones that have done you wrong.