Let the Words of My Mouth…..

Let the Words of My Mouth…..


I am sure that if you have been in church long enough, you thought of Psalm 19:14, in its entirety when you read the title of this post. For me its become so easy to repeat the verse “Let the words of my mouth, and the meditation of my heart, be acceptable in thy sight, O LORD, my strength, and my redeemer.” Sometimes it becomes so easy to wash, rinse, repeat, going through the motions that we forget this statement needs to be fulfilled in our lives. Its not just something we say because we can, or because it is expected of us. These words should be hidden in our hearts that we might not sin against God (Psalm 119:11).

I Can’t Afford to Fear Judas

I Can’t Afford to Fear Judas


I will be honest, I didn’t want to do this blog post. It started out as a status which got deleted. Every time the thought crossed my mind, I felt the nudge to do the post, so I obeyed. It seems to be the season for having numerous posts in regards to friends who betray and are wolves in sheep clothing. Now I happened upon this post recently which encourages you to close your mouth if something good is happening in your life. If you have no idea what post I am referring to, here it is: